Kapil Khandelwal


Welcome Parents,

Crianza play school offers children aged 18 months to 6 years old opportunities to achieve academic, cultural, artistic, sporting and community endeavors. We provide an inclusive, caring environment which fosters collaborative learning and positive relationships.
We strive to stimulate a child’s interests and unlock the learning potential in every student by providing an environment that allows children to thrive as individuals while developing community awareness and values.
We support and encourage children in their quest to develop respectful and fulfilling relationships with their peers, school staff and members of the community. Teachers guide students in their search for meaning and enjoyment in the disciplines we introduce to them to by nurturing their desire to learn. Finally, showing our students love is an education in itself. We treat the students and staff in our school as part of our family.
We want to inspire learning for its own sake by sharing our joy of learning and leading by example in everything we do. Through this we hope to embed important future-focused learning skills in the children: problem solving, evaluating, working in teams, communicating, creating and innovating. We teach using a cross-curricular, subject-themed Montessori inspired approach with emphasis on balancing personal growth, academic success, creative expression and sport.
Crianza values the partnership between children’s families and the school in raising children to reach their highest potential. We encourage open communication with parents.

Rahul Khandelwal

B.Tech, M.Tech

Dear Parents,
Welcome to the Crianza Play School!
Crianza Play School is dedicated to provide the best child care and infant care services and set to lay a strong foundation for your children to develop holistically in a conducive environment. Our children here are our first priority. Play school is definitely an exciting time for children as this will be their “second home” where they explore, gain a sense of self, play with peers and build their self-confidence.
The highlights of Crianza Play School are the core values – Above-board, Independent and Philanthropic. These values become the core human personality and as such, our children will be shaped into a strong and honest individual who possessed compassion and kindness towards others.
10 years of teaching has taught me that, all children can learn and all children want to learn. All children have greatness hidden inside them. It is therefore the job of educators, to help them find and unleash it. From here, I realized how important the role of educators are as we need to instill the love for education in children – such as for reading, learning, discovery and exploring. Another important point is of course building strong partnerships between school and home in order to provide the best learning experience for children.
As a Director of Crianza Play school, I will ensure that the school continue to provide a happy and safe environment for your children, our teachers continue to give fun and exciting learning experiences and that my door is always open for you if you have any queries with regards to the school or your child’s development.
Parents, remember, in education, there is no perfect lesson, teacher, administrator or school. There is always a room for improvement. It took me a while to adopt this belief but it has probably impacted me the most.
Chase growth, not perfection.

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